Sunday, November 30, 2008

Week 2

Pardon this lackluster post- I'm a bit jet lagged from visiting my parents for the Thanksgiving weekend. They live in Florida, and I in New York, but they live in a retirement community which is like a time-zone buried within the Bermuda triangle.

Last week's game plan was easy to stick to and I only spent like $12.00 on food. With that said, last week's game plan was so vehemently unhealthy that I pray to God I never attempt it again. While it did meet the Tom approved frugal-recommended allowance- it lacked milk, vegetables, contained far too many carbs (albeit whole grain) and contained enough salt to ensure that crops never grow upon my human bio-field again. Pardon that last metaphor seasoned with a fictional word; again the jet lag.

Well, I just returned home from the supermarket and spent a mere $25.00 on groceries for the week. Though I may need to return for more spinach. With that said, this week's game plan is a bit more balanced, reduced in sodium, and cut back in carbs as well.

Oatmeal, Protein Shake

Snack 1

El Monterey Burrito

Snack 2

3 Eggs, 1 piece of cheese, 2 soy-sausage links

Snack 2
Protein Shake

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